Thursday, July 06, 2006

Contractions! - Week 34 (8.5 months pregnant)

So I had my first bout of Braxton Hicks contractions this past Sunday while I was in the middle of a Bar Review Lecture!

Luckily my doctor warned me in advance about them and told me they were normal so I didn't completely freak out. The contractions were a lot stronger than I thought they would be and I think everyone in my class thought I was about to give birth right then and there. I'm praying, crossing fingers, lighting candles etc. that I don't have these braxton hicks contractions (or worse) during the bar exam because that would just suck.

Baby Updates: As of last week he's in the "right" position - head down and in the birth canal. Jerome and I are packing the hospital bag this weekend. Starting next week I'll officially have to carry around my medical records in my purse now...just in case. But the baby is doing great and still as active as ever.

*I've been swamped with bar stuff, but I'll upload some recent pics asap.

The baby now gains more in weight than he does in length. The baby’s bones continue to harden, but the skull bones remain softer and separated, enabling the baby to squeeze through the birth canal during delivery.Each week, the baby grows just slightly in length, but may gain up to a pound.


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