Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cristal & Lindo

I'm huge! I don't know who is bigger me or the horse! Jerome and I drove down to Santa Fe for Memorial Day Weekend. We stopped in the San Luis Valley to check on the horses. Here, I'm pictured with Lindo, an Egyptian Arabian stud, who curiously checked out my ever growing belly.

I'm 29 weeks along here.

Your baby is accumulating more fat on his body, which helps smooth the skin. Each day, your baby is becoming more capable of living outside the womb.Your baby is about the size of an American football.

How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. To keep yourself and him well nourished, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium. (About 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton — which is now hardening — every day.

How your life's changing: You should be able to feel your baby's movements strongly now. Pay attention to the kicks and nudges, and let your practitioner know if you ever notice a decrease in activity. She may ask you to do fetal kick counts to make sure everything's okay. Even if your belly button was an "innie" before, it may become an "outie" now.

Pregnancy Tip: Enjoy your freedom "Shake the pregnancy blahs by enjoying your last weeks of pre-baby freedom. Do all the things you may not have time for — movies, facials, romantic dinners with your mate — once your little one is here."

( yeah, too bad I'll spend my last few preggo weeks studying for the stupid bar exam! So much for the romantic dinners!)

Boalt Graduation, May 13th 2006
(26 weeks pregnant)

There's nothing like being 6.5 months pregnant and sitting in the beating sun for 3.5 hours in a big black gown to get your law degree!

Can baby get a diploma too?

(Far Right)
El Abuelito, Alex and Jim toasting the new graduate...and the newest boy to enter the family!

The Torres Clan Invades Berkeley!
Jimmy, Cristal, Kimberly & Mike

Karen, Cristal & Jim

Cristal & "Glam-Ma"

Masa Heads (above)

Los Abuelitos

2006 Graduation Pics!

The countdown begins: 11 weeks to go!

I finally packed up all of my old clothes (pre baby attire) and moved them down to the basement. Go figure, it took me 7months to accept my maternity clothes and put them in the closet. Farewell stillettos!

The baby kicks all the time now. His new favorite move is to jab me in the ribs while I'm studying. This past weekend I was studying and had a Bar/bri book resting against my stomach. The baby started kicking the book so it kept popping up. It was hilarious. The baby literally played this game for about 3 minutes. Jerome says my bar exam book is the baby's first toy! (Poor kid, I hope he's not scarred for life).