Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jicarilla Apache Reservation
Sacred Waters Andres and his friend Eylah
Lets go play in the sandbox...
Checking out some horses with Yaya


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mommy! Daddy and I wanted to surprise mommy.
So we decided to plant her some raspberries in our new backyard.
I found just the spot.

It was perfect and I knew she'd love it.

We worked all day to get it right

Just Daddy and me with all of our might!


I did my best to distract mommy... I pulled out my trike
Showed her all my new tricks...
I better go help Daddy finish!
Almost done, hope she likes it!

Stay tuned to see if mommy liked Andres' mother's day surprise...


Mommy come look, I said with a smile. The big hug she gave me made it all worthwhile!
Happy Mother's Day to you too Yaya!
Off to get into more adventures!
Love ya!
