Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Andres' First Haircut!
Andres and his Daddy scoping out "Lollilocks" (the barber shop) Hmm...Daddy, I'm not so sure about this...
But I like my hair all long and shaggy!
Well I guess thats not so bad.
Showing off the new do in the puppet theater!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mohawk Mania! Uh oh, looks like someone is ready for a haircut...
Andres is quite the chatterbox these days.
Some of Andres' favorite words, in no particular order:
  • Anana = banana
  • Melmo = Elmo
  • bobo = dog or any other animal
  • baloo = balloon
  • baby = baby
  • baby + arms stretched out = pick me up
  • Dada = dada, or anyone else (mommy, grandma etc.)
  • mama = mama
  • boo = the coco man or any other halloween decoration that he loves to drag out of the closet
  • Tos = toast
  • dat = that
  • was dat = whats that
  • me = me
  • D-dah = Adelita
  • bruh = brush (he likes to comb his hair like daddy)

And countless other noises, grunts and sounds we haven't figured out yet!


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Daddy's Lil Helper C'mon Dad, the two of us will get this driveway cleared in no time!
Thanks for the tip, Dad!
I've got the walkway covered!
Ha! How do you like me now snow!
