Saturday, May 30, 2009

Catalina's "1st hair appointment" - though not quite posh as its at the hospital check out her smile as the nurse does her hair. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Jerome better watch out as this little one is going to enjoy future spa days with mom.


Catalina at 3 days old and ready to come home!Leave me alone already!Snuggled up in the car seatDaddy is making sure Catalina is set for her 1st ride home from the hospital!At last, home sweet home!


Catalina - Day 1 Continued
Full Body Shot Her stats...

Look at those long legs.

Head measurements

First weigh in...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

DOB: 5/26/09 at 4:24pm
Weight: 7lbs 7oz
Height: 20 1/4 inches

Catalina is here! Pictured above Catalina and Mommy getting to know each other shortly after birth, Daddy's little sweethart, meeting big brother Andres, dancing with Yaya and her first footprints!


What a Pretty Girl!

Catalina Isabel DeHerrera

May 26, 2009 4:24 PM

7lbs, 7 oz 20 1/4"

Andres loves his new sister.  Last week while we were awaiting Catalina's arrival, Andres told his teachers at school that Catalina was "beautiful with black eyes and black hair like me"...guess he knew what she would look like before did!
