BABY FLASH - 41 weeks
Just got back from the Doctor's office - I am officially dilated 2 cm and my cervix has thinned over 50%!! Baby should be here soon. He's still kicking and moving all over the place so all systems are go.
Angela made a 30 hour visit to try and catch a glimpse of the little guy. Here are some recent pics.
Ay yay yay!! Folding clothes!!!! Wow.. I love all the pictures and I love that you are sharing this experience from afar! I am so excited and I just cannot wait to hear the great news!!
Hijola man, at this rate, it could go something like this: "Weighing in at 9lbs 3 ozs..."
If that happened, then you'd maybe deliver more like your Tia Chris on this one ;).. ahhahhaa
I tickle myself!
Here we go!! Choo choo.. all aboard, Baby D approaching!!
He'll be here soon!!
Remember to breathe!
Love you cousin!!
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